Monday, January 16, 2012

Weaving Diva pillow

I am still working on weaving my single two-tie scarf. I did want to share that I have changed my tabby thread for the scarf. My tied weave guru, Su Butler, said that weaving in dukagang fashion might be a bit dense unless you use the right combination of threads. So I have changed the Bambu 12 with some 140/2 spun silk. But don't know if I picked the right way to go. Seems that the weft, Bambu 7, is packing in more. Maybe I should have gone to a bigger tabby. Well, now we know why we should sample! I will know for sure once I get this off the loom and wet finished.

In the mean time, take a look at this adorable pillow/pin cushion. Was a gift I received from one of the Weaving Divas at the Weaving Diva Christmas party. Thank you Linda!

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